Masjid Project

Al-Ḥamdu lillāh,

Allah Subḥānahu wataʿālā has given us an opportunity to purchase a piece of land and allow us to expand and better accommodate our growing JIT community. InShaAllah, we plan to build a Masjid, Community Center, Shopping strip for Businesses to meet our monthly expense and more. We humbly ask everyone to make dua and contribute in building Jamiah Islamiah.

Land Details

Size: 2.6 Acre

Price: $2.6 million

Closing Date: February 03, 2025

Closing Amount: $400,000

Location: 1464 FM & Clodine Rd

Choose Your Contribution

Zelle Information


Jamiah Islamiah is a Non-profit Religious Organization, incorporated in the State of Texas and Tax Exempt under section 509 (a ) (2) ID number 31954 EIN 87-1584612