Al-Ḥamdu lillāh,
Allah Subḥānahu wataʿālā has given us an opportunity to purchase a piece of land and allow us to expand and better accommodate our growing JIT community. InShaAllah, we plan to build a Masjid, Full Time Boys and Girls Madrasah, Part time maktab for all ages, Community Center, Shopping strip for Businesses to meet our monthly expense and more. We humbly ask everyone to make dua and contribute in building Jamiah Islamiah.
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Zelle Information
Jamiah Islamiah is a Non-profit Religious Organization, incorporated in the State of Texas and Tax Exempt under section 509 (a ) (2) ID number 31954 EIN 87-1584612
Boys Full Time Madrasah
Girls Full time Madrasah
Land Details
Size: 2.6 Acre
Price: $2.6 million
Closing Date: After Ramadan
Closing Amount: $400,000
Location: 1464 FM & Clodine Rd
Project Details
- Masjid
- Boys full-time Madrasah and academic
- After school Maktab for boys
- Darul ifta
- Counseling, family, mental, spiritual
- Dawah wal Irshad for Muslims and reverts muslim
- Dawah for non-muslims
- Library for Islamic sciences in all languages
- Gym for brothers
- Kitchen and dining for male
- Seasonal deeni events for the community
- Community clinic
- Food distribution
- Zakah distribution
- Udhiya distribution
- Funeral service
- Girls full-time Madrasah and academic
- After school Maktab for girls
- Kitchen and dining for sisters
- Space for girls’ various activities
- Girls playground
- Shopping strip for businesses to meet the monthly expenses